20 Year Plan for NSW. Regional services could be hit hard. Forum reveals plan to distribute health spending to areas of large populations. A consultation forum for NSW Health's 20-year plan was held at Wagga Base Hospital yesterday. Janet Anderson, the director of futures planning at NSW Health, said the plan caters for a shift away from regional areas.
Riverina health services could suffer if a greater percentage of the health budget was directed towards highly populated areas as discussed in Wagga yesterday.
About 50 people attended a forum where the state government sought input into a 20-year plan for NSW's health services.
Janet Anderson, the director of futures planning at NSW Health, said funding for services would have to be distributed where it is needed most.
She said with 85 per cent of the state's population set to live within 50 kilometres of the east coast by 2026, she expects funding would follow the population shift.
However, she said regional residents would not be ignored as this trend develops.
"I don't see any diminishing in its (Wagga Base Hospital) size or importance," she said.
The plan identifies the emergence of new diseases such as bird flu as well as changes in the way services are provided.
Ms Anderson said there would be an increase of care in the community, rather than in hospitals.
"That is focussing our attention on what we can provide in the community that has traditionally been provided in hospitals," she said.
The plan was criticised by local General Practioner Dr Peter Keith, who is concerned the plan made little mention of staff and believes this issue needs to be addressed to prevent an exodus of experienced staff from the Riverina.
"There are huge morale problems in this area health service at the moment due to a lack of resources and poor management," he said.
By Carlin Hurdis
Wagga Daily Advertiser
Wednesday, 2006, May 31