"We will continue to push for a new hospital" - Secretary, No More Bandaids Solutions Inc
Sir, Congratulations go to the NSW State Government who have now expedited construction of a new hospital at Batlow costing $10m and allocated $250,000 for the refurbishment of the medical centre at Adelong.
No More Bandaid Solutions Inc. also welcomes the announcement of a grant of $250,000 by the NSW State Government to Tumut Hospital as part of its Rural Health Minor Works Program.
The money is to "improve access and security issues" and work is due to be implemented by June 2006. (We understand that a security guard is now on duty at Tumut Hospital during night hours.)
Any funding which will alleviate the deplorable state of Tumut District Hospital is welcomed.
However, this organisation asserts that funding for minor works, although needed, is still a bandaid solution.
Despite over 12 months dialogue with the Tumut community and the release of the Tumut Health Services Plan 2006-2011, we are still waiting for the government to make a firm commitment to replace our community's 107 year old hospital in the near future. The report makes no such commitment.
We call on the government to follow the lead of business and industry who are currently investing heavily in expansion and new development 'in the Tumut district.
Some of the developments, such as retirement villages and nursing homes cannot go ahead without the security of knowing that their clients will have adequate medical services provided by the public health system, including a modern, safe hospital.
The current state of Tumut Hospital is neither modern nor safe according to the government's own bureaucrats.
There is little or no change to the plight of patients in the Tumut district who still have to travel hundreds of kilometres for expensive radiology tests despite the purchase of a new ultrasound machine for Wagga Wagga Base Hospital.
Our organisation still questions the equity of distribution of resources within the GSAHS, especially the prioritisation of towns to receive new hospitals and the allocation of radiology equipment and services.
No More Bandaid Solutions Inc. will hold its first meeting for 2006 this week and will continue to push for a new hospital at Tumut.
Anyone interested in joining the campaign can obtain further information from
www.nomorebandaids.homestead.com or write to PO Box 491, Tumut NSW 2720.
Yours etc.,
Sue Swann, Secretary,
No More Bandaid Solutions Inc.
PO Box 491, Tumut NSW 2720
e-mail: fixitnow@tpg.com.au