Tumut health service planning review gains momentum.
A new health committee with 13 members representing local health professionals and a broad cross section of community residents has now completed their first two meetings.
The first meeting held on March 1 verified the membership of the committee as a result of applications received to join the Health Service Planning Committee. The newly elected Chairperson, Allan Tonkin, welcomed the new members and the Manager of Service and Planning for Greater Southern Health Service, Janet Chapman provided an overview of the project.
Ms Chapman outlined the proposed review and spoke at length regarding its aims and objectives.
The time frame for the review to be completed by the end of September 2005 will coincide with a broader plan encompassing the new health service.
The second meeting held on the April 7 began the complex task of preparing the planning review' documentation.
A copy of the required format was provided and the committee began the task of allocating numerous research projects among themselves and other experts within the shire.
The primary purpose of the review is to provide an objective summary of all of the variables that effect the provision of health services throughout the entire shire.
The committee stressed that they will be working in conjunction with other health related groups and expects a cross-fertilisation of ideas and information. Over the next two months, more work will be done to complete the draft review, which will then go out for public consultation towards the end of June with public meetings being planned for August 2005.
The next meeting of the Health Service Planning Committee is planned for Thursday and it is expected that numerous progress reports will be consolidated into the evolving health services plan.
The committee will provide regular media releases to ensure that the communities are kept informed of the progress with the plan.
Any people interested in discussing the planning process are invited to contact Janet Chapman on 6023 7100 or Allan Tonkin on 6941 2512.
Tumut & Adelong Times
Tuesday, May 3, 2005