The continuing delay in progressing the Batlow-Adelong Multi Purpose Service (MPS) health facility has resulted in Member for Burrinjuck Katrina Hodgkinson again taking the matter to NSW Health Minister Maurice lemma.
Ms Hodgkinson's latest representations have expressed concern that on every occasion she had previously met with or writ ten to the Minister about the Batlow MPS being accorded priority she had received a reassurance from either Mr lemma or the CEO of Greater Southern Area Health Service, only to have further delayed come to light.
Minister's attention to the fact, as previously outlined in the Times, that the building that was replaced by the new Henty MPS is in significantly better repair than the existing Batlow hospital building.
Ms Hodgkinson has called on the Minister to ensure some "real and demonstrable progress" on the Batlow MPS was achieved "in the very near future."
Five years ago the residents of Batlow and Adelong were told Two Adelong residents they could expect development of the Batlow MPS in 2002/03. Today they are still waiting.
Key milestones in the long battle seeking a replacement for the Batlow hospital have been:
AUGUST 1997: The Batlow Development League sets up a sub committee to develop a submission for Batlow Hospital to become an MPS.
JULY 14, 1998: Public meetings were held in Adelong to enlist support from the Adelong Progress Association for development of an Adelong/Batlow MPS. Two Adelong residents join the Batlow Development League MPS Working Party.
OCTOBER 8. 1998: Submission prepared by working party presented in Sydney to the Commonwealth Department of Health and Family Services.
OCTOBER 13, 1999: Public meeting held to show support for MPS to the NSW Ministerial Advisory Committee on Health in smaller towns chaired by Ian Sinclair.
MARCH 2000: Announcement by Minister for Health Craig Knowles that the Government has set aside money for the development of an MPS in Batlow in the 2002/03 financial year.
APRIL 2001: Adelong/Batlow MPS Consultative Committee appointed. Work commences on development of the Service Plan.
JANUARY 2003: SHRIST Programme that deals with the redevelopment of small rural hospitals is revised by the State Government. A new date for building is now given as 2004/05.
APRIL 2004: revision of last date given. New date issued 2006/07.
DECEMBER 2004: Department of health fails to sign off on newly completed draft Value Management Study. Decides to review the whole of its Rural Health Programme. MPS Consultative Committee now uncertain about building date because of this new delay.
MARCH 2005: Newly appointed CEO of the Greater Southern Area health Service. Associate Professor Stuart Schneider visits Batlow and Adelong Health Services in response to an invitation from the MPS Consultative Committee. Residents still none the wiser as to when the new facility will be built, with the CEO promising to provide the committee with a time line for the project by the end of March.
Tumut & Adelong Times
March 18, 2005