First draft of Health Service Plan compiled.

The Health Service Plan currently being developed for the Tumut Local Government Area (LGA) has had extensive input from various sections of the community, with a first draft being prepared for an open public meeting to be held next month.

The plan received further input last week from a series of consultations held with various community representatives.

Apart from youth, seniors, families, indigenous, health council and Tumut hospital staff and auxiliary, members of the committee also met with a number of health service and emergency care providers.

Mr Allan Tonkin is Chairman of the local steering committee while Ms Janet Chapman is working through the process with the committee in her position as Manager Planning with Greater Southern Area Health Service.

A breakfast meeting held last Friday saw members of the Health Service Planning Committee meet with a number of local clinicians to hear first hand what they believe are some of the priorities for a future local health service.

The meeting saw representatives, not only from medical practices, but also physiotherapists, dentists, police, ambulance, pathologists, radiographers, pharmacists and community health workers.

The overall aim of the plan is to develop an overview of current services as well as looking to the future and ways to provide an innovative and forward thinking health service and management plan.

The plan also makes recommendations in relation to dealing with short, medium and long-term issues within the local health service.

While there were many issues raised that impact directly on the level of service provided to residents within the Tumut LGA, one of the most significant points made was in relation to attracting and retaining service professionals.

It was pointed out that regardless of how good the facilities are, there will always be the difficulty of attracting as and retaining health service providers, one participant stating, "facilities are of no use if there are not the staff to utilise them".

The initial draft document has been prepared based on official statistics pertaining to various sections within the document as well through consultation with various community groups.

The draft document will be the basis for the general public meeting to be held next month, with all members of Tumut's LGA being encouraged to be actively involved in the process of determining their future Health Service.


Friday, August 12, 2005