Changes to health plan, public submissions welcomed by committee. The Tumut health services plan will be presented to the public on November 3. The document has undergone some major changes since a draft plan was outlined to a public meeting last month.
A health services plan for the Tumut region has undergone some major changes in the wake of public submission and a recent, well-attended community meeting.
The plan will provide an outline of the current health services in Tumut, but more importantly detail the current and future needs of the community to guide health service delivery, planning and facilities.
More than 60 people attended a public meeting last month to discuss a draft version of the services plan.
Chairman of the committee in charge of preparing the plan, Allan Tonkin, said the committee had received several submissions following the public meeting, which was attended by more than 60 people.
"We've analysed the submissions and amended some of the existing recommendations in the document to take into account the public's view," Mr Tonkin said.
"We welcome the public's input - we want community ownership of the plan."
"This plan is important - it's a way of being proactive, of trying to get ahead of other areas who will be vying for similar services in years to come.
"We're trying to get our problems squared away and solved so we're ahead of the pack."
The services plan now includes several recommendations relating to services, staffing issues, facilities and equipment.
"There was a perception out there that the draft services plan didn't go into enough detail," Mr Tonkin said. "We've tried to address that and the plan has actually undergone a fairly radical revamp."
The plan now sets out a number of goals for health services in Tumut, including:
That the Tumut Health Service will ensure services are provided that are most needed by the Tumut community.
The Tumut Health Service staff will have access to appropriate training.
The Tumut Health Service will have access to the necessary equipment and infrastructure to deliver services identified in the service plan.
Attached to each of those goals, the committee have included detail the on action required, nominated the responsible organisation and put a timeframe for completion, as well as stressing the desired outcome.
The committee are now putting the final touches to the plan and will meet again on October 30 to finalise the document.
It will be presented to the public at a meeting at the RSL auditorium on November 3 and will then be taken back to the Greater Southern Area Health Service for adoption.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005